
Type: Homestead
Status: Ongoing
Area: 785 m²
Year: 2018 - ongoing
Location: Sauseriai, Lithuania
Team: Andrė Baldišiūtė, Vadim Babij, Milda Grabauskaitė, Kasparas Žiliukas, Sabina Grincevičiūtė, Gilma Teodora Gylytė, Algimantas Neniškis

Sauseriai is a modern interpretation of a traditional Lithuanian homestead, located in the very picturesque area of Salantai Regional park. Although consisting of typical types of buildings, that are common in such homeasteads, and using traditional for this area architectural forms and volumes, Sauseriai experiments with the unexpected materials combinations: thatched roofs, raw concrete walls, large panoramic windows.